Mission, Vision & Values
Our Vision
We at Puzzle Support Services strive towards:
Empowering all people to take ownership of their life.
A world where everyone is treated as individuals and with respect.
A world where all people hold the power to create opportunity for themselves and others

Our Mission
We at Puzzle Support Services endeavour to:
Respect and empower all people to be their best version of themselves.
To develop services to enhance quality of life and individual outcomes.
Empower people with a disability to engage opportunities of their choice in a supported and inclusive environment.
Be the first choice for people with disability.
We aim to be creative and responsive to your needs and aspirations whilst embedding people in their community
Our Values
We at Puzzle Support Services deliver our services based on our Values:
Inclusiveness – we respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality.
Participation – we value and recognise the contribution of people with disabilities within organisations and communities.
Openness – we are committed to a culture of teamwork and collaboration with all our families.
Honesty & Integrity – In all that we do and say.
Empathy – We understand what others are going through and are here to provide support.
Respect – We show people they are important to us by what we do and say