Child Support Workers

Child respite & child support workers

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Child Support Workers For Your Family

Our child support workers are dedicated to helping children and their families with custom plans to help at home, at school and in the community.

Working with special needs children in all aspects of NDIS-funded support, our support workers are fully trained and have a genuine passion for making a positive difference in the lives of their clients.

We’re there where you need us to be. Whether that’s

  • help in the home,
  • drop-offs and pick-ups,
  • transport,
  • assisting with participation and attendance in activities and sports
  • and general community access,

you can rely on our support workers.

Our support workers will spend time getting to know you and your family to make your life easier and where possible, enrich the life of your child. Puzzle Support Services match you with the most suitable support worker for your child and develop a plan tailored specifically to your family’s needs.

Support Services We Provide for Children

Education Assistants

Access education assistance with Puzzle Support Services. Our qualified education workers assist with learning and engagement, providing home work support. Whether your child needs help with homework, schedules or motivation, we can work with your child’s individual curriculum and their teacher.

Before and After School Care

So you can go about your family or work routine, we offer NDIS-funded before and after-school care through our support workers in the comfort of your own home. From assistance with getting your children ready in the morning, help with making lunches and getting them ready for school, scheduled drop-offs and pick-ups or general support, we have you covered.

Peer Mentors

If you have an older or teen child, a peer mentor, also known as a youth worker, can be a source of friendship and support. Matched with a peer mentor of a similar age, they can act as a confidante for your child as they go through personal challenges and issues they would rather share with a peer instead of a parent.

Therapy Assistance

Qualified to assist across a range of therapies, we can support and implement plans for allied health, speech therapy, psychology, occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Working under a therapist to implement plans, our therapy assistants can attend appointments regarding your child’s development and implement strategies to help them reach their therapy goals.


We can meet all of your child’s transport needs, from school drop-offs and pick-ups to medical and therapy appointments, activities, community access and excursions.

Support Workers

We’re there to help you in any way you need. You may need assistance inside in the home or help getting to and from workplaces, education institutions, appointments or community activities. Our support workers are very flexible in being able to meet the needs of every client. Puzzle Support Services can match you with the most suitable worker for your individual requirements.

Looking for more information?

We understand that sourcing the right support can be confusing, so we’ll help you find the ideal care solution for your situation. Find your perfect fit with Puzzle Support Services by contacting us today.

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